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January 3, 2023
8 to 10 p.m. Eastern (5 to 7 p.m. Pacific)

Setting Your Writing Goals.jpg

It’s time to celebrate 2022, look ahead to 2023, and ring in a whole new year of writing!

- Who do you want to be as a writer?
- What’s your biggest dream?
- How do you want your writing to impact the world?
- How can you set up your life to do the writing you want to do?

It’s time to get excited about your story ideas, elevate your view of your future, and
spend time with other writers who will cheer you on.

“Setting Your Writing Goals” will reconnect you with the sheer deliciousness of the
creative process—and give you tips and strategies to make the coming year your most
productive one yet.

Setting Your Writing Goals is our holiday gift to you.

A new year means renewed energy for your writing. What will you create in 2023? What plot twists or characters do you want to bring onto the page? What genre will you choose? Do you want to settle into screenplays or publishing or try something you've never attempted before?


Managing your writing within a busy life requires thought and intention. This is the time to get clear about those intentions and let the energy of the New Year support you. In this powerful class, we'll use exercises, prompts and visualizations as you set your goals for a productive new year. We'll talk about...


  • The power of speaking your goals out loud and sharing them with others. 

  • A visualization to welcome new creative energy. 

  • Understanding your why. Why do you want to write? Knowing your why can carry you over countless writing hurdles. 

  • Tips for setting up a writing practice and sticking to it.

  • Calling on your higher energy to write. 

  • Getting out of your own way. 

  • Tips from Summiteers who finished projects in 2022. How did they do it? 

  • How to maintain the natural momentum of the new year throughout the months ahead. 

  • The difference between intentions and goals.

  • Your one word to guide you through the year. 


You'll come away inspired, clear and energized to make your goals a reality.

David Kirkpatrick has guided and inspired thousands of writers and creatives. He knows how to dream big and make those dreams come true, honoring your creative process as you build a profession in writing. 

Debra Engle is all about joy and clearing out old patterns and fears that keep you stuck.
She’ll guide you to a new way of seeing and experiencing the joy in your writing—and
your life—every single day.

Widely acclaimed story instructor, author, 

Managing Director of Story Summit Writer’s School.

Founder of Story Summit, former president of Paramount, and former chief of production at Disney.

Two hours, two instructors, unlimited inspiration.

Join us as we celebrate your biggest dreams and desires and get your writing life on
track for 2023.

The class is complimentary. Please register to receive the Zoom link


January 3

8 to 10 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific)

Please note: Our classes are designed specifically for live participation, so your attendance is important.

A Peek at Our Past Virtual Classes




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