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Middlewick Story Summit


October 6 — November 16, 2024

Middlewick, Glastonbury, UK

“Hope and Memory have one daughter and her name is Art . . .”

W.B. Yeats

Write Your Story in the Heart of Legend  . . .
Your Creative Sanctuary Awaits

Many of our Summiteers have requested a beautiful and energizing environment in which to write so they can complete a big chunk of their project and be with fellow writers for companionship, conversation, and adventure.
We have listened to those requests. This autumn at the gorgeous Middlewick property in Glastonbury, UK, we are returning, by popular demand, to our second Writers in Residence Program from October 6 – November 16 2024.
Come to a magical place of quiet, comfort, beauty, and inspiration. When you've finished your daily writing, hang out and explore the countryside and iconic sites with a group of like-hearted writers.
There's a Tor to climb, wells and springs in which to wade, and even a swimming pool to do laps. Enjoy healthy living, eating, and being in one of the most inspiring places on earth while possibly writing some of the most legendary passages of your lifetime.

The Glastonbury Chronicles

For the last four thousand years, the remarkable Glastonbury (formerly Glastonshire) has been a font for the human imagination. Richly steeped in myth, history, and folklore, Glastonbury is surrounded by the most iconic standing stones on the planet, including Stonehenge, Stanton Drew, and Avebury.
The location has been an inspiration for some of the world's greatest authors, including William Blake, Sir Thomas Mallory, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Just around the corner is Bath, where Jane Austen wrote many of her classic novels and Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein.
Glastonbury can be a font of inspiration for you. The village holds one of the richest and most mysterious hills known to mankind — the Glastonbury Tor. Many believe the Tor is the isle of Avalon featured in Arthurian mythology.


The Middlewick Tales

If ever there was a writers' haven, it would be Middlewick. Set within a scenic working farm (yes, there are goats, sheep, horses, and dogs) writers can enjoy the tranquillity of the surroundings and take in the breathtaking views of rolling hills, lush green fields, and the nearby Tor.


The stone and wood cottages, some dating back to the 17th century, exude a warm and welcoming atmosphere for writing and living, with tasteful decor and modern amenities.


The charming “village” includes a spa, swimming pool, an organic market to stock your cottage’s kitchen, and a café that serves delicious, healthy, and reasonably priced plated meals.


The village is completely pet-friendly, and if you want to bring your pet, it has become incredibly easy with microchipping and an International Health Certificate.


Middlewick is but a walk away from town and the Tor. And what a walk it is! Before you even realize it, the immersive sojourn to and from town has put 10,000 steps on your digital counter.

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Writers in Residence

Everyone, including mentors, are attending Middlewick to write. This is a write-cation—a place and time to get away to a beautiful and inspiring place.


Imagine the ideal of writing four hours a day, every day, every week. We are suggesting that writers attend for a two-week minimum, if possible. We realize that may not be the case for everyone. On any given day, we may have few as ten writers at Middlewick or as many as sixty.

Every night, there will be gatherings to read aloud the work from the day and receive  encouragement and constructive criticism. At lunch, you can meet up with fellow writers and mentors to brainstorm, work out a challenging creative issue, or just share experiences or plans for day trips.

What We Learned from 2023

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You spoke, and we listened! Click on the button below to see the new additions and improvements to our Middlewick program.

Middlewick Story Summit

Click on each to read more.

What Would a Typical Day Look Like?

Click on each to read more.

Oct 6 - Nov 16

Oct 6 - 19

Oct 20 - Nov 2

Oct 20 - Nov 2

Mentors Attending

On any given week, there will be at least one mentor on the premises. You'll never be alone . . . unless you want to be.

Important note: Faculty dates may be subject to change.


October 6 to November 16, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Middlewick FAQs

Check out our previous Story Summits in Santa Fe, the Caribbean, and Cape Cod.



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